3 guaranteed ways to lower a leader's frustration

If you’re like many leaders, you’re frustrated with something right now. If you aren’t frustrated, all I need to do is bring up common trigger issues.

Results fell short.
Unexpected problems blocked progress.
Someone didn’t follow through.
Shifting expectations elude you.
Complainers suck the life out of you.
Top talent left unexpectedly.
Tensions between team members distract, drain, and delay.

The answer to your frustrations:

You are the answer to your frustrations.

Expecting others to solve your frustrations, only makes them worse.

3 guaranteed ways to lower a leader’s frustration:

#1. Stop holding in frustrations and doing nothing about them.

Go bright, not dark.

Discuss the bright future you want, more than the frustration you feel.

Don’t spew toxic emotions on everyone. Your team isn’t filled with counselors. It’s not their job to make you feel better.

Suppose you’re frustrated with tensions between teammates. The important questions include,

What describes the relationships everyone wants?
How might we proactively solve tensions before they create unnecessary conflict.
How do we want to treat each other when tensions are high?
What systems might minimize frustrations? Establish a weekly operations meeting, for example.
#2. Stop blaming others for frustrations you cause.

5 ways leaders cause their own frustrations:

Tolerating negative patterns, silently.
Engaging in the same behavior but expect different results.
Bringing people to the table at the end of the process.
Expecting less from yourself than others.
Isolating yourself.
Tip: Over-communicate by a factor of 10.

#3. Stop treating others as if they were you.

It doesn’t help, if you’re an extroverted leader, to treat introverts like extroverts. Instead of expecting others to adapt to your style, adapt to them.

One way to elevate your leadership is to solve your own frustrations.

What frustrates leaders?

How might leaders solve their own frustrations


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