All that you hope to accomplish as a leader depends on igniting and maximizing growth in others.

Learn what makes people tick if you dream of maximizing their growth.
#1. Speak to the heart. Look through the lens of their personal goals, values, and motivations. Pull ‘with’ not ‘against’. For example…
I notice that you frequently refer to kindness (Insert your observation here.) when you speak of others.
  1. What makes kindness important to you?
  2. What does kindness look like as you set high expectations?
  3. What surprising expressions of kindness might be useful to your team?
  4. How might you bring kindness into the tougher aspects of your role without sacrificing excellence?
#2. Point out where people don’t serve themselves well. Watch for recurring disappointments or frustrations. Don’t judge. ‘Say what you see’.
  1. What are you doing that isn’t working? If they struggle to answer this question, discuss recurring frustrations.
  2. Where will you end up if you continue doing things that don’t work well?
  3. What advice would you give someone in your situation? (Challenge the idea of staying the course.)
  4. How might you be contributing to this frustration?
  5. What might you do that will make you proud?
#3. Provide opportunity to reflect.
  1. What crossroads are you facing?
  2. What’s shifting in your thinking?
  3. If you were certain of success, what would you try?
  4. What are you learning about yourself?
  5. What would you like to learn?
#4. Come along side gently after failure.
The value of failure is learning.
  1. Where might you need to show compassion to yourself? Challenge yourself?
  2. At what point, even though you didn’t know then, did things start going badly?
  3. Who might you include on your team next time?
  4. What should you avoid doing in the future? Do differently?
Express empathy, but don’t affirm neglect, lack of preparation, or poor execution.
How might leaders ignite and maximize growth in others?
*Tune in tomorrow for more.


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